miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

Take a Beautiful Picture

How many times we have seen beautiful pictures? Why are they "beautiful"?

I guess that many people think that a "beautiful" photograph is a picture taking with a professional camera by a professional photographer. This photographer looking for the best situation of the scene and depend what the photographer needs or wants to capture. For example if he or she wants to capture a dawn, he needs to prepare the site (localization), special camera lens, a good angle and find an excellent background.

However, I think that a beautiful photograph isn't a professional picture with the best things. A perfect picture is one that is born of a normal situation but includes a special moment for us. It's one that reaches to capture smiles, joy, feelings and they remain forever into us. For me, a "beautiful picture" contains a piece of our life. My question is: What is a Beautiful Picture for you?

For me, this is a beautiful picture.

1 comentario:

  1. "Beautiful" !!!

    The way I see it, beautiful is everything that you want !!

    "Beautiful" isn't the place, it's how you enjoy these moment!! The reason for that is share your life.
